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Frequently Asked Questions

Find out about the services we provide with these frequently asked questions.

Q. How many libraries are in your service?

A. We have libraries for the public in 10 locations throughout Cork city. Visit our Locations section for a map and pages for individual libraries.

Q. How do I join the library?

A. See our section on how to Become A Member

Q. What are the library opening hours?

A. See our Contacts and Hours page

Q. How many items can a library member borrow — and for how long?

A. You can borrow up to 12 items for 3 weeks at a time

Q. Can loan times be extended?

A. Loans can be extended if there is no waiting list for that item

Q. Where can I use my library card?

A. In any public library in the Republic of Ireland

Q. How many library items have I on loan at the moment?

A. In our libraries you can check your account on our kiosks, or ask a member of staff. Remember to bring your library card. You can also check your online account. You can also contact us by phone during opening hours. 

Q. How can I find out if the library has a particular book, DVD or sound recording?

A. Visit the Library Catalogue, contact a member of staff by phone, or ask staff in your library.

Q. Can I suggest new additions to library stock?

A. Yes. Suggestion forms are available in all our libraries. You will be informed if the library adds your suggestion to stock.

Q. Can I request a book which is already on loan to someone else?

A. Yes, and you will be informed when the item is available for you. 

Q. Can I request a book from another library?

A. Yes, you can request and borrow items from any public library in the Republic of Ireland. 

Q. Do I have to be a member to use Internet or public computers in the library?

A. No. Members of the public may use Internet computers in the library for free. It is advisable to book a session in advance of visiting the library. Printing facilities are available. Charges apply to printing.

Q. Does the library provide a public fax service?

A. You can send a fax from Bishopstown Library. Staff are not responsible for any fax that arrives.

Q. Does the library have a photocopier?

A. Yes, there are self-service photocopiers in all our libraries apart from Glanmire and Blarney. Staff will be happy to help you. Please see our Charges page for costs. Copying from library stock is permitted, subject to copyright restrictions. Photocopying of library items at risk from damage is not permitted.

Q. How long will I be waiting for a book I requested?

A. This is hard to say, there may be a waiting list for that item.

Q. Can I type up a CV on one of the library's public computers?

A. Yes, you can use a library computer for word-processing, free of charge. 

Q. How long does membership last?

A. Membership lasts twelve months, and must be renewed annually. Customers keep the same membership card from year to year.

Q. If I change address do I inform the library?

A. If a customer moves to a new address, a member of staff should be informed, so that your new address is added to your account. Proof of address should be shown when requesting a change of address.

Q. If I lose my membership card, what should I do?

A. Inform the library immediately, so that your lost card cannot be used by another person. 

Q. What happens if I lose a book or if a book on loan is damaged beyond repair?

A. Please inform a member of staff. Adult members who have lost or damaged an adult item will be responsible for payment for the lost or damaged item.

Q. Does the library have a community notice board?

A. Yes. The Central Library on the Grand Parade maintains the largest display of current community notices, including adverts for local theatre, classes, exhibitions, recitals, clubs and more. Smaller notice boards are maintained in our local libraries.

Q. How much is printing?

A. Please see our Charges page.

Q. What newspapers are kept in the library?

A. All our libraries get daily newspapers. Back-copies are kept by the Reference and Local Studies departments. Please see our Newspapers page for more information.

Q. What's wrong with my BorrowBox account?

A. If you have recently replaced your library card you will need to re-register. You will lose your loans and holds. To re-register choose Cork City Council Libraries, enter the barcode from your library card and your PIN.

If not, please try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Reset your PIN and try again.
  • Contact your library, and confirm with the library staff that you are using the correct barcode assigned to your account. The library staff will also check that other details in your account are correct. Contact details for your local libraries are on our Contact Us page.
  • If steps 1 and 2 have not resolved the issue, then contact BorrowBox for help at

Q. What clubs and groups meet in the library?

A. Many groups, including book clubs and writers' groups, meet in our libraries. We compile a clubs and groups brochure, but as booking times and dates do change, we advise you to contact the library in question for the most up-to-date information.

Q. What events are on in the library?

A. Please see our What's On section, which includes the latest Events Guide, and a link to the online events calendar.