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Future Developments

We are constantly improving and developing library services. Read about our plans for Cork City Libraries.

Cork City Council Library Development Programme 2020–2024

Cork City Council’s development programme for the library service, can be opened as a flipbook in your browser or download to your device.

Cork City Council Library Development Programme 2020–2024

Cork City Council Libraries 2020-2024.pdf (size 2.9 MB)

This plan sets out the Council’s objectives for the period 2020 to 2024, covering plans for buildings, improvement to services such as lifelong learning, children’s services, information technology, and social media, staff development, and much more.

Past Development Plans

Read Learn Explore: Cork City Council Library Development Programme 2015 - 2019 (size 5.1 MB)

Books, Bytes and Buildings: Cork City Libraries Strategic Plan 2005 - 2009 (size 2.2 MB)

Books, Bytes and Buildings 2: Strategic Plan for the Library Service 2010 - 2014 (size 2 MB)